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Bosch Sensortec

How sensing solutions help to fight against the spread of COVID-19

45 min

Learn how sensing solutions can help you to fight against the spread of COVID-19

Did you know that humans breathe in more than 10,000 l / day and spend 90 % of their life in buildings? Indoor air quality strongly affects our health and well-being as well as the risk of virus infections via Aerosols, such as COVID-19. The BME680 sensor has been developed to detect exhaled human breath and outputs an index of air quality.

In this 45-minute on-demand webinar, we give you an overview of environmental sensing in relation to indoor air quality. You will see why and how sensing solutions help fight the spread of COVID-19.


  • Bosch Sensortec – solutions for consumer electronics
  • Environmental sensing: indoor air quality
  • Indoor air quality & COVID-19: how sensors can help

About the speaker

Dr. Richard Fix, Bosch Sensortec

Dr. Richard Fix, Bosch Sensortec

Richard Fix studied mathematics & physics and finished his Ph.D. 2009 at the Robert Bosch GmbH and the Max-Planck Institute Erlangen. Within the Bosch group, Dr. Fix was leading innovation studies, research and development projects for products with chemical sensors for automotive, building, medical and consumer applications. After his position as senior product manager for environmental sensors at Bosch Sensortec GmbH, he started a new role as product portfolio manager for the product area MEMS in 2020.

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