Employee stories: Ye, System Engineer

I’m Ye, a System Engineer at Bosch Sensortec’s software and application department. Currently, I’m responsible for algorithm and software development for our new environmental sensor, the BME680. I studied geodesy and geo-informatics at the University of Stuttgart. I did my internship at Bosch Sensortec from 2011 to 2012 with a focus on sensor fusion with inertial sensors. Afterwards, I finished my thesis at the engineering department in January 2013 on the topic of pedestrian navigation with inertial sensors, and in the same month, gave birth to my baby daughter. Six months later, I joined Bosch Sensortec as a full-time employee.
I still remember that at the time of my internship, all Bosch Sensortec employees fit on one floor. Now, we have a large building and are still growing! I really enjoy that the hardware and software divisions work very closely together, learning and profiting from each other. There are always innovative ideas and products that inspire us to develop more interesting and useful software solutions. Additionally, Bosch Sensortec has many big customers, therefore we contribute to changing the world and people’s lives with our technologies every day.
I have had very good experiences working here since my internship. I have super-friendly and motivated colleagues. I think the flexible working hours and the ability to work from home are beneficial for both family and work, especially as a mother. The work atmosphere is quite dynamic, and there are always new challenges. At the end of the day, it’s just a great feeling when you see people using the products or solutions and benefiting from them, and knowing that you were a part of their development. You really feel that you are improving people’s lives with your work.