Employee stories: Timo, Senior System Architect

My name is Timo. Here at Bosch Sensortec I work in advanced systems engineering. We create the concepts and architectures of our next generation products. Our sensors are becoming more and more intelligent, and my task is to discover how we can achieve this, for example, by integrating embedded processors and software algorithms into sensors, allowing smart sensors to process and digest the sensor data at the lowest power consumption and always-on. This is the key enabler for using our sensors in wearables and Internet-of-Things applications.
Before joining the Bosch Group, I worked for an international semiconductor manufacturer. Within Bosch, I first developed sensors for passenger safety in vehicles and then moved to Bosch Sensortec, where I became active in the Consumer Electronics market. I like the dynamics and agility of this market, and the short product cycles that provide the opportunity to quickly see the results of my work. For example, I had recently been helping a customer in the Far East with an issue during the design-in of our product. Just a few weeks later, I saw these smartphones promoted in local retail stores, and it was extremely satisfying to see the effect of my work.
It’s very rewarding to have intense and frequent contact with our international customers and partners, especially in America and the Far East. An amazing ecosystem has emerged in the mobile world, and it is a privilege to be part of the success of our customers and to be acknowledged as a competent and reliable partner.The team at Bosch Sensortec is young and inspiring. We have a great team spirit and achieve a lot. Being a bit seasoned in this business, it is good to see that my experience is valued. It’s fun to work here. We share a lot, spend some leisure time together, and celebrate our successes.