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Bosch Sensortec

Sensing solutions for
industrial applications

Woman operates machine using a tablet

Industrial applications

The world of industrial applications goes beyond the typical manufacturing and production use cases: it encompasses smart home devices, home appliances and white goods as well as factory and building automation, logistics, and robots. These applications traditionally require a high performance and robustness in harsh environments, for example in terms of vibrations and shocks. A flexible and application-specific feature set is also important to serve the large variety of use cases such as asset tracking, predictive maintenance, and antenna, platform and image stabilization. Finally, easy to integrate products with an extended availability are crucial in order to cater to the long lifecycles of industrial devices. Bosch Sensortec is offering sensing solutions for industrial applications with a very high level of quality, performance and robustness, paired with a prolonged product availability.

Sensing solutions for industrial applications

Motion Sensors

Environmental Sensors

Smart Sensors