Bosch Sensortec Headquarters
Directions by Car
Using a navigation system, input your destination as Gerhard-Kindler-Str. 9,72770 Reutlingen.
GPS Coordinates
48.496226 N
9.137286000000017 E
Driving from Stuttgart/Tübingen
From the Stuttgart Airport take the B27 direction Tübingen. Follow the signs direction Reutlingen, then on the B28 take the exit toward Jettenburg/Mähringen. Cross the intersection of Jettenburg and Mähringen. Drive for approximately 800 meters. The first building complex on the left is the Technologiepark Tübingen-Reutlingen, and the address is Gerhard-Kindler-Str. 9. Parking spaces are available.
Driving from Reutlingen
Follow the signs direction Tübingen, then on the B28 take the exit toward Jettenburg/ Mähringen. After the exit take turn right in the direction of Mähringen and after the bridge over the turn left at the intersection. Drive for approximately 800 meters. The first building complex on the left is the Technologiepark Tübingen-Reutlingen, and the address is Gerhard-Kindler-Str. 9. Parking spaces are available.
Directions via public transportation
Please check for detailed public transportation information.
Bus Stop: Betzingen NMI
Train Station Reutlingen - NMI
Bus Schedule – 7611 or 10
Train Station Tübingen - NMI
Bus Schedule 7611 or 10
48.496226 N
9.137286000000017 E