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Bosch Sensortec

Bosch Sensortec IoT Innovation Challenge

Bosch Sensortec IoT Innovation Challenge
Running from May 15 to September 30, 2021, the Bosch Sensortec IoT Innovation Challenge was a unique online competition in which student teams combined hardware and software tools to develop fascinating sensor-based IoT solutions.

Focus Areas

In keeping with the motto “IoT – Invented for life” we are looking for solutions in the following focus areas:


All admitted teams received a starter kit during the Bosch Sensortec IoT Innovation Challenge. The starter kit included the following hardware:

Finals at the MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2021

Some impressions of the finals of the Bosch Sensortec IoT Innovation Challenge at the MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2021:

Bosch Sensortect IoT Innovation Challenge
Bosch Sensortec IoT Innovation Challenge
Bosch Sensortect IoT Innovation Challenge
Bosch Sensortect IoT Innovation Challenge